guest blog written by Kate

Edith is 20 months old and has Down syndrome. We have used a Tula Explore baby carrier since birth and it has been the perfect baby carrier for us.
Children with Down syndrome can have a lower muscle tone (hypotonia). This means that their muscles have to put in more effort to move and they present as being floppier than most children. Their low muscle tone can also result in a poor posture. Due to these reasons, a supportive baby carrier was extremely important to us. The ergonomic design of the Tula Explore carrier meant that Edith’s hip and spine development was promoted whilst we were carrying her, something that is particularly important for a baby with hypotonia. Edith also had to build up more strength in her neck muscles in order to gain her head control. We therefore needed a carrier that would allow her to face in until she could support her own head. As the Tula Explore was fully adjustable, we were always able to ensure Edith was fitted snuggly and that her head would be securely positioned whilst we were moving around.

Along with being so supportive, the Tula Explore is extremely versatile babies/toddlers can be carried in three different positions. From birth, we used the carrier facing in. Edith felt very safe in the baby carrier and would fall asleep very quickly. Edith had full head control by the time she was 6 months, so we then started carrying her front facing out. She absolutely loves taking in the world around her and spends time chatting away to the trees.
When we go out and about shopping with Edith front facing, she can babble away to whoever I am speaking to. I really think this has helped to support her social development and interaction with people. We will soon start to carry Edith on our backs and I’m sure she will love this too. She can be carried on our backs until she weighs 20.4kg. Children with Down syndrome usually grow at a slightly slower rate to typical children so it is likely that Edith will weigh 20.4kg when she is 7 years old. The length of use of the Tula Explore is therefore incredible - I can’t think of another item we own that will last Edith from birth to 7 years old!

Whilst the Tula Explore has been great for Edith, it has also been excellent for me. It is very comfortable, easy to put on, and I absolutely love all the designs! As we live in a rural area, a baby carrier has been an absolute must for us in order for us to get out and about. The Tula Explore has allowed us to do that with ease.
Thank you so much Tula for helping us show our little girl the world around her whilst in the safest place possible.
This blog post was written by Kate, wonderful mum of Edith.