Our hip dysplasia friendly baby carrier

About 1 or 2 in every 1,000 babies have DDH that needs to be treated.

According to the NHS, Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) is a condition where the “ball and socket” joint of the hip does not properly form in babies and young children.

As part of the newborn physical examination (usually within 72 hours of being born), all hips of the newborn are checked so you should know early on if there are any suspected problems. If you have any particular concerns, you can check out the NHS information and advice here.

Hip Dysplasia Baby Carrier

Babies with Hip Dysplasia may well need treatment. It is very important that their hips are kept in a stable position and that any products, such as baby carriers and sleep products, support them ergonomically.

All Tula Baby carriers are designated hip healthy by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute (you can see a list of all hip healthy products here on their website).

They support baby in a hip-healthy M-shape position seat, at all stages and in all positions, including outward-facing. You can see how this should look like on the image below:

 M-position seating for hip healthy babywearing.

The bottom should be sat deep in the bucket seat. Baby’s knees should be higher than their bottom.

A great way to make sure baby is always seated in a hip-healthy “M” shape is to do a pelvic tuck. It is a move that ensures ergonomic positioning and supports baby’s weight more evenly, which makes the carriers job easier. Important is, to use the carriers correctly and to select the right panel width on the waistbelt for your baby’s size. 

All parents should know two important aspects:

  1. DDH cannot be prevented. It is nobody’s fault.
  2. You are not alone. Many parents got the same diagnosis.

The leading charity working for all those, whose lives are affected by DDH, is Steps. Everything they do is about valuing and supporting individuals, families and carers affected by conditions which have an impact on the legs, hips or feet.

Do you still have questions?

The International Hip Dysplasia Institute also has a wealth of information for parents and carers on DDH.

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